For good measure?
I'll forget about this blog again in approximately 30 hours, so this entry shall safely disappear into the abyss of the internet. Thus, I think I shall write what is on my mind, right now.I think us, as humans, have this beautiful ability to forget things which we need to forget. The things which cause pain do so, and then eventually they fade. They leave an imprint, which may affect future decisions or thoughts, but they do leave us in time. It is simply not possible for us to simultaneously focus on our pain and the tasks at hand. And eventually, if the tasks at hand are numerous enough, we simply adopt the habit of peace until just a memory of the pain exists. And then that memory may be forgotten. I think this is where the phrase, "Time heals all wounds" comes from. Though I only agree with the first half of that sentence.
Another random thought:
So there are sticky notes around campus in odd places that just say "You are so beautiful." Today I noticed that some days, I'll glance at them and think "Sure. Whatever," and other days I'll glance at them and think "Hell no." and some days I'll think "Why yes, I already knew that." and still other days I'll think "I'm the ugliest goddamn human on the face of the planet, you damn sticky note."
I guess my point is that these are all perceptions of my own beauty, which change on a day-to-day basis. If beauty is so perception-based, what value does labeling oneself as "beautiful" or "ugly" hold? There are certain people in this world who are constantly tuned to inner beauty. Perhaps it is them who should create beauty standards.
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