Monday, July 03, 2006

Dear eljay

Dear livejournal,

I like you, I really do, but I'm tired of our relationship. It's been going on now for 2 years, and I think our passion is slowly dying. It doesn't help that most all of our common friends stopped communicating with us. It's just you and me now, but less and less do I want to come home to your cold familiar comfort. Never do I feel the desire to go quiz searching and post them to look forward to my friend's reactions. Nor do I ever feel like posting my real feelings on your beautiful layout anymore. You just don't seem to care about me. I feel like we could salvage something of what we have, but what would the point be? Everyone has moved on to more socializing networks, such as that horribly user-unfriendly myspace or the anti-blogging facebook. I am ashamed to tell you livejournal, but no longer to I check you out first. I feel unfaithful, but first I go to facebook, then myspace, then my email. YES, I admit it! Email. It's been a long time, but I think we rekindled a part of our friendship somehow. Don't look at me like that, livejournal. I'm not abandoning you, I just feel as if we're not working out well anymore, and it saddens me. I miss you. But have faith, love. College is coming soon, and I know I'll have more to talk about then. Perhaps those who fled recently will return. Perhaps I will meet new livejournals, and we can all hang out together. In the end, it'll be you and me, always.


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